The second, Pinnacle Station, was entirely combat-focused, and Mass Effect 2 does a much better job of making shooting aliens entertaining. Bring Down The Sky introduced recurring nasties the Batarians to the series, but they don't do anything very interesting here. Mass Effect only had two DLC packs - and neither are worth picking up, even for completion value. What of the rest? Let's jump straight into. We've also skipped over the iOS game Mass Effect Galaxy, simply because it's no longer available for purchase. Please note, we're only looking at the tie-ins that help develop the Mass Effect story or universe in some way, so you won't find things like the soundtrack discs or art books here.

But which ones are worth your time, which are essential if you want to appreciate the full story, and which can be skipped? We've checked them all out.

There are books, comics and of course, a whole stack of downloadable add-ons that fill in the gaps, take you to places Shepard doesn't get to go, and explain details you may have missed - like exactly why everyone hates Cerberus so much.

If you've only played the first two games, though, you've barely scratched the surface of BioWare's amazing sci-fi universe. Looking forward to Mass Effect 3? Of course you are.