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Native support for 64-bit operating systems.Automatic cropping to maximum image area.Orientation tool for adjusting panorama rotation.Choice of planar, cylindrical, stereographic, orthographic, Mercator, or spherical projection.Photoshop layer and large document support.Ability to read raw images using WIC codecs.Support for input images with 8 or 16 bits per component.No image size limitation - stitch gigapixel panoramas.Support for “structured panoramas” - panoramas consisting of hundreds of photos taken in a rectangular grid of rows and columns (usually by a robotic device like the GigaPan tripod heads).Ability to publish, view, and share panoramas on the Photosynth web site.Accelerated stitching on multiple CPU cores.

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When you want to share a panorama, ICE can upload it directly to Photosynth, where your friends can view it using an interactive web viewer or the Photosynth app for iPhone or Windows Phone. Unlike earlier versions of ICE, panorama previews are no longer limited by your screen resolution. ICE allows you to zoom in to see every detail of your stitched panorama, no matter how big, before you export. And you can back up and change settings, then see the effects of those changes without having to start over from scratch. The app guides you through the steps required to make a great panorama. ICE has a new look that makes all the features more understandable and easier to use. ICE can now fill in any missing pixels around the edges of your panorama, making a smooth boundary even in cases where you missed a shot.

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