Roster Perform: Log in to Roster Perform (opens in new window) For queries on any of the above systems. Current projects include working with NHS England on the Digital Staff Passport initiative.what year did 2022 graduates start high school nhs payslip explained afc absenceESR: Log in to ESR from Home (opens in new window) Roster Perform This is a reporting tool for managers to be able to extract a variety of reports linked to HealthRoster.

Phone the at the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) helpdesk number 01 for payroll support, business mileage enquiries, or for login and password .A description of some widely used blood tests, including full blood count (FBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) tests.The ESR Central Team is currently working with national stakeholders to improve interoperability between the NHS Electronic Staff Record and third party systems using API technology.